Re: I might be wrong but...
In Response To: I might be wrong but... ()

Hi Tiffany,

This reminds me of something that happened to one of my daughters as we were going through the steps. She was still having sugar, but it was with meals, and it was a pretty small amount. We had gone out to dinner with Grandma, and she ate a lot more of the dessert than she had initially planned to. On the way out of the restaurant, she burst into tears. It was one of those *instant* food / mood moments. And I have had the same thing happen.

Anyway, yes, that is our sugar addiction, and even though it is not fun, I have always found reminders helpful and motivating. What step are you on?


: In the past week I haven't been
: eating that much sugar..just maybe
: some jam here and a white
: hamburger bun there...but over the
: weekend my mother brought home a
: pint of ice cream and a bunch of
: other stuff I would rather avoid.
: But I ate the pint of ice cream
: and a slice of cake. Now I feel
: really weepy, blue, very reactive,
: sensitive...kinda like this.. :s6(
: :s9( Could this be a reaction from
: suddenly eating so much sugar at
: once?