Re: I might be wrong but...
In Response To: I might be wrong but... ()

Yes - when you eat a lot of sugar after not eating much for a while, it will hit you really hard. When I ate sugar regularly, I couldn't see the connection between eating sugar and feeling bad. When I didn't eat it for a while and then at a lot at a party, it was very clear what sugar does to me. Just remembering that helped me resolve to choose recovery.

: In the past week I haven't been
: eating that much sugar..just maybe
: some jam here and a white
: hamburger bun there...but over the
: weekend my mother brought home a
: pint of ice cream and a bunch of
: other stuff I would rather avoid.
: But I ate the pint of ice cream
: and a slice of cake. Now I feel
: really weepy, blue, very reactive,
: sensitive...kinda like this.. :s6(
: :s9( Could this be a reaction from
: suddenly eating so much sugar at
: once?